Random facts about me - Spontán tények rólam

2015. február 08. 22:13 - Oatmeal_queen_

I was vegetarian (rather pescetarian) for a little bit more than 3 years, but the funny (or rather sad) fact is that I didn't like vegetables that time, so I lived on pasta, bread and other similar unhealthy foods. I usually find it difficult to get to know new people but I stick to my loved ones…


Red lentil curry recipe - Vöröslencse curry recept

2015. február 03. 18:59 - Oatmeal_queen_

Red lentil curry Ingredients (for 1 person): 1 carrot 80g pumpkin 60g red lentil 1/2 vegetable soup stock cube curry spice mix 1/2 onion 1 tbps coconut oil 7 dl water Preparation: Cut the onion into little cubes and parch it in a ccoking pot with coconut oil. Cut the carrot into circles…

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