Triceps workout - Tricepsz edzés

2015. február 26. 07:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

A lot of women are basically afraid of arm workout, saying that they don't want big, wide, muscular man arms. I whisper to you that we will never have that. The other typical mistake can be that a lot of people work out only for their biceps, however, the three-headed muscle makes up the 2/3 part of…


Speed up your metaboolism - Anyagcsere gyorsítás

2015. február 20. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

At the beginning of my weight loss, I was obsessively searching for foods, drinks and methods which will help speed up my metabolism, as it meant a big problem for me back then. Since then all these have become part of my daily life and I don't use them por this purpose anymore, I have simply got…


Kókuszos-erdei gyümölcsös zabkása - Coconut-very berry oatmeal

2015. február 18. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Kókuszos-erdei gyümölcsös zabkása Nem titok, hogy a zabkása nagy kedvencem reggelire, és mostanában a kókuszért is nagyon rajongok mindenféle formában, úgyhogy a két kedvencemből most erdei gyümölcsökkel variálva készítettem egy nagyon finom reggelit. :) Hozzávalók: 40 g…


Running in winter - Futás télen

2015. február 13. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Running in winter Have you ever heard the quote „There is no bad weather, only badly dressed runner”? Well, yes, the winter is not an excuse to give up running during the long cold months. It’s more complicated than during the warmer seasons, but there is always a solution. We have to put…


Red lentil curry recipe - Vöröslencse curry recept

2015. február 03. 18:59 - Oatmeal_queen_

Red lentil curry Ingredients (for 1 person): 1 carrot 80g pumpkin 60g red lentil 1/2 vegetable soup stock cube curry spice mix 1/2 onion 1 tbps coconut oil 7 dl water Preparation: Cut the onion into little cubes and parch it in a ccoking pot with coconut oil. Cut the carrot into circles…

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