Raspberry cake - Málna torta

2015. július 27. 12:34 - Oatmeal_queen_

  This cake is so easy to prepare, but so perfect for the raspberry season. For the cream I used a well-ripen avocado, which can be a bit strange hearing for the first time, but once you've tried it, you can't stop with it. It's the perfect ingredient for healthy creamy chocolate cakes, just like…


Kókuszos-erdei gyümölcsös zabkása - Coconut-very berry oatmeal

2015. február 18. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Kókuszos-erdei gyümölcsös zabkása Nem titok, hogy a zabkása nagy kedvencem reggelire, és mostanában a kókuszért is nagyon rajongok mindenféle formában, úgyhogy a két kedvencemből most erdei gyümölcsökkel variálva készítettem egy nagyon finom reggelit. :) Hozzávalók: 40 g…


My kitchen - Az én konyhám

2015. január 17. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I thought you might be interested in the foods that I usually have at home. I couldn’t take pictures about everything because I don’t have enough place to pack, so my shelves are pretty crowded and my fridge is emptier than usually, because in January I’ll spend less time here but of course I…


Foodprep to work/school - Mit egyek a munkában/suliban?

2015. január 09. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Foodprep to school/work A lot of you are have no idea how to stick to the healthy eating when you spend most of your days at work or the school, maybe running around here and there and there is little time to eat. Of course the easiest solution is to jump in the cafeteria and grab something, but…


Waiting for Chritmas - Karácsonyra várva

2014. december 17. 13:39 - Oatmeal_queen_

There's only one week left until Chritmas and I can't tell you how much I'm waiting for it. Not because of all the presents. I consider myself very lucky becuase I don't really need anything this year. I'm waiting for this holiday because of its whole atmosphere. When we wake up and my Dad brings…

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