What nutrition and dietary supplements I use – Milyen táplálék- és étrendkiegészítőket használok

2015. szeptember 26. 09:43 - Oatmeal_queen_

I have already written a post about protein powders, because although their use is more and more common recently, there is still a big „mystery” around them and there is still a lot of people thinking that they make us a hulk or that they are some kind of poison, etc. However, if we know what…


Étkezés edzés előtt és után

2015. július 01. 13:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Sokan bizonytalanok azt illetően, hogy mit kellene enni az edzések előtt és után, úgyhogy most írok egy keveset a saját tapasztalataimról. Ez alapvetően rengeteg mindentől függ, például hogy kinek a szervezete hogy reagál bizonyos ételekre, kinek milyen gyors az anyagcseréje,…


Leg and glutes workout - Láb és farizom edzés

2015. április 24. 15:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I loved my weekly 40 kilometers, but now I'd really liked to reach a shapelier figure, so the hardcore weight trainings can continue. Honestly I haven't had a real good leg workout for a very long time, because I was afraid of the muscle soreness at my run's expense, but I have really missed it…


Biceps workout - bicepsz edzés

2015. március 04. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="399"] Standing biceps with barbell - Bicepsz állva rúddal[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="498"] Standing dumbbell bicep curl - Bicepsz állva kézi súlyzókkal[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="403"] Standing biceps…


Triceps workout - Tricepsz edzés

2015. február 26. 07:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

A lot of women are basically afraid of arm workout, saying that they don't want big, wide, muscular man arms. I whisper to you that we will never have that. The other typical mistake can be that a lot of people work out only for their biceps, however, the three-headed muscle makes up the 2/3 part of…


Speed up your metaboolism - Anyagcsere gyorsítás

2015. február 20. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

At the beginning of my weight loss, I was obsessively searching for foods, drinks and methods which will help speed up my metabolism, as it meant a big problem for me back then. Since then all these have become part of my daily life and I don't use them por this purpose anymore, I have simply got…


Running in winter - Futás télen

2015. február 13. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Running in winter Have you ever heard the quote „There is no bad weather, only badly dressed runner”? Well, yes, the winter is not an excuse to give up running during the long cold months. It’s more complicated than during the warmer seasons, but there is always a solution. We have to put…


My workout schedule - Az én edzés beosztásom

2015. január 30. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

My workout schedule What I can already tell you in the beginning is that I don't follow any workout plan regarding my lifting workouts, several times it depends only on my mood and tiredness what the "menu" will be. If I have enough time I go to the gym or do home workouts 4-5 times a week. However,…


Motivation - Motiváció

2015. január 28. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Motivation I think there couldn’t be a more perfect time to talk about motivation than the end of january. I’m sure that a few weeks ago a lot of you also made a New Year’s resolution. Maybe such ones that you make from year to year, because you have never achieved yet, no matter how much you…


Abs workout - Hasizom edzés

2015. január 25. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Abs workout I have also got a lot of questions about the abs workout too. For several woman, the elimination of the abdominal fat means the critical point in the field of body shaping, however, this also depends on the type, for me for example it's easier to develop this part, while the legs and…

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