Why you MUST eat to lose weight - Miért KELL enned ahhoz, hogy fogyj

2015. január 02. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Why you MUST eat if you’d like to lose weight The most popular belief and the most irritating stupidity for me is that the people believe that if we don’t eat, we will lose weight and have the shape that we want. Apply the one for whom it worked. We are sick even of the thought of the diet…


A weekend for rest - Egy hétvége a pihenésre

2014. december 27. 19:53 - Oatmeal_queen_

I'm starting with the fact that this post is rather just personal, although I did eat a lot of delicious and healthy foods and also worked out this weekend. I can describe myself so lucky that my family is usually able to a go to a short 2-3 day winter vacation too, to rest the exhausting year…

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