My workout schedule - Az én edzés beosztásom

2015. január 30. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

My workout schedule What I can already tell you in the beginning is that I don't follow any workout plan regarding my lifting workouts, several times it depends only on my mood and tiredness what the "menu" will be. If I have enough time I go to the gym or do home workouts 4-5 times a week. However,…


The importance of rest days - A pihenőnapok fontossága

2014. december 26. 08:30 - Oatmeal_queen_

The importance of rest days This post is being written to you just as much as to me, because very often I don’t take into account these things either, although I know that it would be very important. Many times, especially when I have plenty of time, I can enjoy my workouts so much and that…

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