Speed up your metaboolism - Anyagcsere gyorsítás

2015. február 20. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

At the beginning of my weight loss, I was obsessively searching for foods, drinks and methods which will help speed up my metabolism, as it meant a big problem for me back then. Since then all these have become part of my daily life and I don't use them por this purpose anymore, I have simply got…


Red lentil curry recipe - Vöröslencse curry recept

2015. február 03. 18:59 - Oatmeal_queen_

Red lentil curry Ingredients (for 1 person): 1 carrot 80g pumpkin 60g red lentil 1/2 vegetable soup stock cube curry spice mix 1/2 onion 1 tbps coconut oil 7 dl water Preparation: Cut the onion into little cubes and parch it in a ccoking pot with coconut oil. Cut the carrot into circles…


My kitchen - Az én konyhám

2015. január 17. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I thought you might be interested in the foods that I usually have at home. I couldn’t take pictures about everything because I don’t have enough place to pack, so my shelves are pretty crowded and my fridge is emptier than usually, because in January I’ll spend less time here but of course I…


Reform the family meals - Reformáld meg a családi étkezést

2015. január 11. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I’m fully aware of how difficult it is to start a lifestyle change. Even if you are sufficiently motivated and persistent, you too can come up against difficulties soon, if your family and friends don’t understand what you are doing. I also met this problem at the very beginning of my whole…


Foodprep to work/school - Mit egyek a munkában/suliban?

2015. január 09. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Foodprep to school/work A lot of you are have no idea how to stick to the healthy eating when you spend most of your days at work or the school, maybe running around here and there and there is little time to eat. Of course the easiest solution is to jump in the cafeteria and grab something, but…


Flourless walnut-carrot cake - Lisztmentes diós répatorta

2015. január 04. 10:32 - Oatmeal_queen_

I made this recipe for the first time for my Mum's birthday and the family -allegedly- really liked it, and I also think that it was delicous and besides the fatty cream cheese it it very heatlhy too. Ingredients: For the cake: 750 g carrots 200 g walnut 3 eggs 1 dl olive oil 4 tbsps xilit…


A weekend for rest - Egy hétvége a pihenésre

2014. december 27. 19:53 - Oatmeal_queen_

I'm starting with the fact that this post is rather just personal, although I did eat a lot of delicious and healthy foods and also worked out this weekend. I can describe myself so lucky that my family is usually able to a go to a short 2-3 day winter vacation too, to rest the exhausting year…


Lunch-dinner idea - Ebéd-vacsora ötlet

2014. december 19. 13:59 - Oatmeal_queen_

It's a very simple and quick recipe, but you can use it for lunch and dinner as well and it's really delicious. Steamed cauliflower with spicey yoghurt dressing, lowfat cheese and stir-fried chicken breast Ingredients:  100g chicken breast chicken spice 2 tbsps coconut oil 400 g…


How to eat if I want to lose weight? - Hogy egyek, ha fogyni szeretnék?

2014. december 18. 00:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I think this is the most common question that I get from you. So I describe some of the basic 'rules', that you probably have already known, but maybe you just need some confirmation. Don't ever starve! It will never help you, on the contrary, you will put on even more weight, because your body…

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