My kitchen - Az én konyhám

2015. január 17. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I thought you might be interested in the foods that I usually have at home. I couldn’t take pictures about everything because I don’t have enough place to pack, so my shelves are pretty crowded and my fridge is emptier than usually, because in January I’ll spend less time here but of course I…


The first half marathon - Az első félmaraton

2015. január 13. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

The half marathon is what people often call „the vincible distance”. There are a lot of pompous lazy people who think that to run a half marathon is not such a thing, because it’s just the half of the marathon, only 21,1 kms, they would easily complete it, if they would run. IF they WOULD run.…


Reform the family meals - Reformáld meg a családi étkezést

2015. január 11. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

I’m fully aware of how difficult it is to start a lifestyle change. Even if you are sufficiently motivated and persistent, you too can come up against difficulties soon, if your family and friends don’t understand what you are doing. I also met this problem at the very beginning of my whole…


Foodprep to work/school - Mit egyek a munkában/suliban?

2015. január 09. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Foodprep to school/work A lot of you are have no idea how to stick to the healthy eating when you spend most of your days at work or the school, maybe running around here and there and there is little time to eat. Of course the easiest solution is to jump in the cafeteria and grab something, but…


Why you MUST eat to lose weight - Miért KELL enned ahhoz, hogy fogyj

2015. január 02. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Why you MUST eat if you’d like to lose weight The most popular belief and the most irritating stupidity for me is that the people believe that if we don’t eat, we will lose weight and have the shape that we want. Apply the one for whom it worked. We are sick even of the thought of the diet…


The importance of rest days - A pihenőnapok fontossága

2014. december 26. 08:30 - Oatmeal_queen_

The importance of rest days This post is being written to you just as much as to me, because very often I don’t take into account these things either, although I know that it would be very important. Many times, especially when I have plenty of time, I can enjoy my workouts so much and that…


Home leg-abs workout - Otthoni láb-has edzés

2014. december 24. 14:12 - Oatmeal_queen_

Some of you asked me to give a workout plan, but as I'm not a personal trainer, neither other fitness expert, oóthe only thing I can give you is showing my workouts. I usually go to the gym, but my new ticket is not valid yet, so now I used what I found at home. 5 minutes warming-up…


HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - Intervall edzés

2014. december 19. 08:00 - Oatmeal_queen_

Sometimes you ask me questions like "What kind of cardio do you do?" or "How much cardio do you do?".Well, formerly I was able to stand on the cardio machines for more than an hour, several days a week, especially during my diet. Honestly, I have no idea if it was effective to my weightloss  or I…

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